Bohemian Club & Clark

Clark's family name at birth was chouette that means 'owl' in French ('mon petite chouette' as her grandmama used to call her). Her correlation with the Grove caused for her to be ritualistically drugged, abducted, sexually attacked, & made pregnant by a man named Carey on halloween of 1992; precisely one year prior to River 'Rio' Phoenix's death within similar themes. On hearing she was pregnant, Carey told Clark to have an abortion & take the life of her baby. Yet she did not & kept her daughter, raising & loving her on her own within the impossible conditions of the stalking troubles & woes of Carey or 'Dull Care' (& mk ultra) that sadistically threatened, & harmed her daily.

Clark is a true poet, actorwriter, intellect, & political leader in the better spirit of the olde founding of the club & grove itself. Aside from wanting to become a full member of the Bohemian Club, Clark would like to start a summer camp series for women solely in Bohemian Grove to have No Cares!

Artistry in the Grove.

Artistry in the Grove.

founding of the club

The Bohemian Club was a gentlemen's club founded in 1887 by poets, artists, performers, & intellects. It offered a free & inspiring area for creatives from rigid convention or oppressive & abusive organized groups.

Jack London sitting on an old sequoia of Bohemian Grove.

Jack London sitting on an old sequoia of Bohemian Grove.

privacy & quiet

Every summer the Bohemian Club that is based in San Francisco on Taylor, has a one to two week summer camp in the glorious forest of Bohemian Grove just north of the city. This event attracted many of the world's most known artists & leaders that sought the well earned week of inspiration & seclusion aside of their most interesting peers.

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As seen in both above, Bohemian Grove has a long tradition of creative, magical, and sometimes foreboding plays and events that run through the summer program.

1914 Camp with Artists

1914 Camp with Artists



Membership in the Bohemia Club was always kept to a workable size, yet as it was sought by so many its present wait list is over 20 years. Sometimes artists may gain a 2 to 3 year associate membership that is temporary for the length they contribute creatively.

An artistic Bohemian Club embossed metal sign.

An artistic Bohemian Club embossed metal sign.

Roosevelt & United Nations founding Plaque

Roosevelt & United Nations founding Plaque

The United Nations (following the League of Nations) were said to be founded in Bohemian Grove. The same is said of The Manhattan Project that coincides with the hidden base mentioned of the Kryptos state in front of the CIA's HQ that Clark suspects is located in Sudbury, Ontario that her family founded. Some religious extremists attempt to besmear the Grove as they want these affiliations to be in line with themselves.

Baby Clark, mother Marlene, & father Robert.

Baby Clark, mother Marlene, & father Robert.

Clark's summers were mostly spent up north at the family cottage in Sudbury. Their place was a small eden where her summer playmates were mostly small animals and bugs, aside from family & visitors.

Clark's father's business card of 1982.

Clark's father's business card of 1982.

Robert gained high level appointments quickly as a young man. As VP of TVOntario he created a series called 'Understanding the Earth', hosted by Sudburian David Pearson, in collaboration with Laurentian University. 'The Greymac Affair' was in newspaper headlines for over a year when Clark entered the Gifted Academy, her father being the VP of the company. Robert came through looking like quite a hero and became President of his own strategic business planning company with many crown corporations and others as: The Canadian Department of National Defense, Hydro One, Canada Post, TD Bank, CIBC, Clark Oil and Gas, Sovereign Life, Blue Cross Insurance... and many others including several resorts as Grey Rocks, Cleveland's House, Panorama Resorts, and, it appears, likely Bohemian Grove. Robert mentioned another resort client that 'had many high level people' that you 'had to fly to get to', yet would not say the name. Clark suspects it was because he was so upset with her being attacked, he found it hard to tell her, as he wished he had informed her of his work sooner. He passed on in 1999.

1906 Bohemian Grove summer camps

1906 Bohemian Grove summer camps

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Monte RIo, California

As was River Phoenix's other name, 'Rio', Bohemian Grove is located within that region, its only water source being a river. The Grove has a tradition of their members sleeping in (roughly now 120) camps mostly along River Road, that are given creative and fun names as 'owl's nest','hillbillies', 'druids', and 'Ye Merrie Yowels'.

Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight

Walt Disney was a Bohemian Club member, the Seven Dwarfs living together in a small camp in the forest, inspired by his visit in the Grove. Owls are seen all through their cabin in the film.

Bohemian Club motto.

Bohemian Club motto.

The motto of the Bohemian Club is 'Weaving Spiders Come Not Here', meaning spies that threaten the privacy of the Club and have want to web or entrap its members, are not invited. The security protector of the Club is the Wise Owl of Bohemia. Worthy of mention, female owls are larger and more powerful than the males.

Clark's birth name was Chouette meaning 'owl' in French, her father Robert Cholette or Bob, having the initials BC, and her grandpapa Cholette was a tailor. There is a good possibility that Clark's father was a Strategic Business Advisor to Bohemian Grove, and is in part why Carey and the thuggish agents that were grooming him to become quite monstrous within a spy agency, targeted Clark, and her then baby, when barely older than nineteen.


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Clark's father, Robert Cholette 'Owl' was apprenticed by former Canadian Prime Minister & founder of the United Nations Peacekeepers, Lester bowles 'owl' Pearson. Here Lester is at Robert's graduation where both accepted degrees in Sudbury, from Laurentian University. 

Clark Phynics & MP Bruce McCaffrey

Clark Phynics & MP Bruce McCaffrey

Clark was found to have a genius IQ between 180 & 186 & was placed in a 10 year Gifted Academy. During this she was made a Queen's Park Page for their 33rd session (within the territory of the Victoria Temple). She was the only representative selected for Toronto, & was the only to be invited to dinner by Queen Elizabeth's Governor General.

Clark's family considered her for law & politics that she still has an interest in. Clark was apprenticed by her father for a year and a half in strategic planning prior to his passing in 1999. He said that she was of the strongest people he had ever met having survived her attack while rebuilding a new life for her and her baby; and that she had a very similar mind as him so he wanted for her to succeed his work as she could handle it.

Cremation of Care 1907

Cremation of Care 1907

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LECTURES of the intellects

To contribute to the Grove's summer camp series, the intellects of the Club started to offer peaceful riverside lectures within their areas of expertise. Through the years the prestige of these orations grew to include many political & leaders of commerce that shared profound insights of the world.

Former President Richard Nixon cites the most powerful talk of his life being his pre-election lecture at the Bohemian Grove camp. He prepared for it at length as it was so important to him, yet likewise, would remain unheard beyond that day.

Small Growth

Small Growth

Some small camps made of wood were built in time, yet the Club did not ever 'modernize', even when having the budget for hotels. This is the essence of 'getting away from everything'.



It is said that no business is to go on within the Grove, and there have been instances of members being told to leave for trying to make sales pitches and the like. Yet the exchange of ideas is welcome, and on occasion there are personal one on one conversations that occur. Here Ronald Regan and Richard Nixon are seen both prior to their elections to Presidency. At the Grove they discussed not wanting to run against one another, and so they agreed to campaign within different years. 

Inside the San Francisco Bohemian Club's Foyer Entry.

Inside the San Francisco Bohemian Club's Foyer Entry.

The Owl is used on all of the Bohemian Club's materials, and many small cute statues are placed among the trees of the Grove through the years, by members when they had visited.

King Edward VII 'The Peacemaker' & Robert Cholette

King Edward VII 'The Peacemaker' & Robert Cholette

Robert Chouette looked identical to King Edward VII  that was called 'The Peacemaker' & was known for returning to his 'Bohemian roots', quite against Queen Victoria's wishes.

On top of an impossibly busy timetable of the Gifted Academy, being a Theatre Major in the prestigious Claude Watson School for the Arts, and having part time work, Clark was a political activist. She was a very early environmentalist, vegey/vegan, animal rights activist that volunteered for: security for the Toronto Rape Crisis Center & its Take Back the Night protest, the Daily Bread Food Bank, several political elections, building a Summer Camp for low income Kids, & by skating in the Vicki Show at Maple Leaf Gardens. She backed the first Earth Day, & the release of Nelson Mandela over many years. Clark participated on a protest to protect women's rights & in particular for breastfeeding mothers in 1992. Later that year she was attacked by Carey in London, Ontario.

The Cremation of Care is the oldest ceremony of the Grove was first performed in 1881. The mid summer camp starts with a large outdoor banquet in the trees, where members then head to the river to see the first performance on the opposite side in the evening. The wording is very poetic, and talks of the nature mother 'her councils are more than wise, she healeth well' and to the members 'ye must become as children' to partake in this ritual tradition. A demonic entity called Dull Care is the enemy of their beloved 'beauty everlasting', that arrives to battle with and harm them.

Dull Care, being a manifestation of an evil man representing the weary troubles and woes of everyday life, puts out all of the flames of the members that brought torches to burn his foulness away and protect the forest, as they all came from lands where 'the worlds where care is nourished on the hates of men'. Only the fire of the Owl of Bohemia remains alit as it is 'One flame alone must light this fire, a pure eternal flame... at last with the lamp of fellowship'. The fire that banishes 'of the effigy ' of Dull Care, therein mid-summer sets them free!

Statue of Liberty New York

Statue of Liberty New York

Clark's memoir, 'Liberty's Eternal Flame' focuses on the 'Flame of Liberty atop of the Alma tunnel, and the likely forcible protective exile Princess Diana was placed within as the flame symbolizes. 

 Clark's birthday May 24, 2009 (Queen Victoria Day), was the only day the 2010 Olympic torch was present in Canada prior to the actual 2010 Olympics relay that was to start in that very same place in Victoria (represented as the God Nike), British Columbia. In a private event where she was signed to be a relay runner in Fort Langley, birthplace of British Columbia, a collection of the previous Olympic torches aside some press were present for the event. 

 Cola Cola sponsored the relay, being as well founding company for Columbia Pictures that features Columbia raising a torch of  Liberty.  Clark's being her aunt Emily Turner nearest relation to being a daughter, was a legend within General Electric, being the other sponsor of the 2010 Olympics in Canada; having been the first woman to win the 'Man of the Year' award, designing nuclear submarines, and worked on the first space missions.

 Clark's consistent and meaningful commitment to liberty and the truth of enlightenment has brought forth many contributors that have fortified her vision and writing for decades.

 Clark's grandpapa Georges Chouette (owl) who was a tailor and WWII war hero from a family of 11 siblings, married her grandmama Gabrielle Boulay who was a French teacher when it was illegal for women to work, from a family of nine siblings, where they lived together for over 50 years in the same bungalow until they both passed on. Gabrielle's grandfather founded the City of Sudbury, Ontario, that is site to the world largest underground mining system, provider of over 80% of the metals for the Allied Forces of WWI and WWII, and site to the world's second largest meteorite crash. 

There is a correlation between Joseph Boulay and Edouard De Laboulaye, the man that first conceived the idea for the Statue of Liberty that Clark has come to represent in her work.


Torch of Liberty on the Alma tunnel

Torch of Liberty on the Alma tunnel

Clark, 2010 Olympic Torch Relay Runner

Clark, 2010 Olympic Torch Relay Runner